I am not sure what my fascination is with making fused glass snowflakes. Maybe it’s because I have fond memories of snowy winters in New York. Maybe it’s because snow is such a rare event where I live now in Houston. I don’t know, but I do know that a lot of you share this fascination with me. According to Google Analytics, the word “snowflake” is the most searched for word that brings people to my blog. And not just in the winter! All year long. Go figure.
This year I followed a tutorial I found on Dean Ujihara’s Blog posted in January of 2007. My snowflakes turned out great. I fired the snowflake in my little 8″ Evenheat Kiln. I had to fire it at a higher temperature and a lot longer than Dean’s tutorial suggested, but as all fusers know every kiln is different.
I tied an organza ribbon to the snowflake to hang it. I am searching for some kind of ornament loop I can attach to it. Another alternative is to use fiber paper to create a channel. Unfortunately, it looks like Dean abandoned his blog in 2009. That’s too bad. He seemed like a very creative guy. Thanks for sharing this Dean. Here is the link to his snowflake tutorial: http://dean.ujihara.org/blog/?p=13
If you want to make fused glass Christmas Tree Ornaments, take a look at this post: https://www.glassartbymargot.com/tutorials-patterns/how-to-make-fused-glass-christmas-tree-ornaments/