When I take a fused glass class, I make technique pieces. They are pieces made to learn a new technique that I can incorporate in my work when I am back in the studio. They are not pieces that I sell. In fact, sometimes they don’t turn out well at all and end up being more of a “what not to do” lesson. A lesson none the less!
When a piece from a class does turn out I hate to have it just sit around. In a class I took with Patty Gray we learned the bas relief technique by making a small 4 inch tile. I made a simple leaf design and really liked the way it turned out. But what to do with a small 4 inch tile. It’s been sitting around for quite some time, when I recently got the idea to drill a whole in it and hang it at the bottom of my wind chime. So much nicer than the cardboard sail that was on it.