In tough economic times you may have to cut back on the amount of money you spend on gifts. But even an inexpensive gift can be special if you take a little time and extra care in your wrapping.
Gift wrap doesn’t have to be expensive. I keep a roll of brown packing paper and a roll of white paper on hand at all times. These can be embellished and used for almost any occasion. I buy rolls of ribbon when they are on sale after the holidays. I buy green & red for Christmas, of course. Silver and gold are perfect for anniversaries and weddings. And usually I find one or two other colors I can use for birthdays.
One of my favorite things to do is to use ribbon to tie an embellishment on the gift. Some of the items I’ve used in the past are: a rattle or teething ring for a baby gift; measuring spoons for a bridal shower; a favorite candy bar for a birthday; jingle bells or an ornament for Christmas. You could also use greenery from your garden or a single flower in a water tube.
Be creative with your labels too. Several years ago while cleaning out a closet I came across school photos of my children. These school photo packages always came with small wallet or sticker sized pictures that we never used. I had collected years of them, and couldn’t bear to throw them out. When I wrapped Christmas gifts that year, instead of a name label, I taped on one of their school pictures. On Christmas morning, we all had fun looking back at their pictures over the years.
It’s not just the thought that counts, but the time you spent wrapping it too!