Today we finally went out and bought a new t.v. to replace our 10+ year old behemoth. We went to Best Buy and after deciding which t.v. we wanted, I pulled out my new Droid2 phone and scanned the UPC code. Using an app called Shop Savvy I learned that Sears was selling the same t.v. for $80 less. Best Buy was happy to meet that price. Love it! We saved gas and time and got the best price in town. It felt a little strange pulling the box off the shelf and scanning the UPC code; mostly because of the loud beeping noise it makes – like the grocery store scanner. But you know what? After saving almost 17% on the the sale price, I think I’m over my self-consciousness. Of course I told my husband that this savings meant my new phone had already paid for itself. Not quite… he calculated it to be about half the cost. Guess I’ll have to buy something else with the help of Shop Savvy.